The Integrative Center


One of the missions of our center is to help foster interdisciplinary research that engages with and have impact on contemporary global society. The center is a platform for scholars in the Faculty of Humanities to meet and work cross-disciplinarily with one another. It is also a platform that bridges the humanities with other disciplines too.

Ageing Condition beyond Numbers through Language Use and Literature

The project attempts to reconceptualise the defintion of ageing and ageing condition by using information from the studies of language, psycholingusitic in particular, and literary media. The project is sponsored by Office of National Higher Education and it lasts three years.

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Humans and Animals in a More-Than-Human World

A brand new research group initiated by the faculty members with the Integrative Center of Humanities Innovation as a host. The research group aims at documenting, studying, and showing the entanglements between humans and animals who live with one another in a variety of socioecological networks and settings.

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